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tv   Andrea Mitchell Reports  MSNBC  February 28, 2012 1:00pm-2:00pm EST

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michigan could be deciding whether romney limps to the nomination or whether it's wide open. >> i'm pleased with the campaign, it's organization, the candidates sometimes makes some mistakes and so i'm trying do better, and work harder, and make sure that we get our message across. >> you say you made mistakes, what are you talking about? >> i cannot imagine you would have a hard time coming up with that. >> nbc news, white house correspondent and political correspondent, chuck todd, and chris is with us, managing editor of first of all, let's talk about the strategy of rick santorum to have the robocalls to go out and get democrats. chuck, your take on it? >> well, we know this has been a -- an issue before in michigan
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primaries. both candidates have played shenanigans for 40 years. so this is sort of par for the course for michigan. but, i do think it's interesting to see, you know, snourm, the romney folks are trying explain away a loss saying we will win republicans. but how did romney the native son get into a position where 10% of the overall vote of democrats could make this type of difference that is still a question that the romney people have to deal with. but romney played this game once as a voter. >> did. and let's talk about the democrats, the strategy of the rick santorum people, chris? >> chuck is right, it's an open primary, nothing illegal about this, they are free to vote as they see fit. there's no democratic race as we know, so why not? you know, don't -- i say it's a
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dirty trick when it's being done against you, but it's smart strategy whether yn you are doi. remember rush limbaugh, he made a big show of make sure you go out and vote for hillary clinton if you are a republican in a state where you can keep the primary between obama and clinton going on for as long as position. it's nothing knew and romney condemning it because this could make a difference. to chuck's points, it's remarkable in a state that he was born and the first of 11 states to vote, michigan and new hampshire would have circled and -- we would have circled and say, romney is winning that. >> let's play a game here, let's say romney, chuck and chris, does not pull it out today. i'm told by top people in the republican party the money people, that the first thing
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that will happen is you will see a top to bottom shake up. a complete shake up in the romney organization. they will have to limp and play the delegate by delegate game. it's basically trench warfare, delegate to delegate to get to tampa. did it's -- if it's a contested ballot situation, i'm told we will see new faces. not anyone that we have spoken to. let me play a road test game here. one possibility is paul ryan and marco rub i doniorubio. >> i want to get to your point about the shake up. it would be a smart sfraj for romney to do thris, you have to give the donors an excuse, if you cannot fire the candidate, you have to fire the manager on the field and i'm not saying it's the campaign manager, per say, who it is, whatever it is,
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there's going to be an overhaul, what it does is buy time for romney for what likely will be a bad next super tuesday, these are not friendly states to him. and basically send the signal, you are in the middle of retooling, you'll make and it you are ready for a trench warfare of acquiring delegates. this will be convention by convention, the question will be whether the washington republicans panic. i do not think it gets to tampa. i think you will have someone decide, do we push somebody to get in by the california filing deadline to acquire a beach head of delegates. because you cannot take away the republican voter. you cannot take them out of the equation in this fight. >> chris, one of the parts of the equation when we talk about a jeb bush, the delegates to the convention are more conservative than republican voters and they would not necessarily go for jeb bush. jeb bush would be too moderate
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for them and that is the scenario where people are saying, someone like sarah palin and mike huckabee as a ticket could end up being chos enby the convention. >> you know, andrea, i'm -- the party pobahs would like this nomination fight to be over and mitt romney to be the candidate. they have some power, particularly among donors but they do not have ultimate power. if it was, we would not be dealing with mitt romney poe pole poe -- potentially losing michigan. while i think that huckabee and palin are longer shots, i do not think that the long held belief that we have in they -- people say they will handle it and get another guy in the field. who is they and do they retain the power, these washington insiders, to chucks point, it's hard for a small group of people to say, okay, republicans who voted your nominee is now mitch
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daniels. >> that is why i'm suggesting that the people that the convention turn to are people that the washington establishment do not like at all. >> exactly. and the uncertainty of this primary and what we saw in republican senate primaries in 2010, suggests that almost anything is a possibility, particularly if romney loses in michigan tonight. >> let me read something, this is what romney had to say to explain why he voted for paul sangas in the democratic primary, in 1992. he said, when there was no real contest, in the republican primary, i would vote in the democratic primary, vote for the person i thought was the weakest opponent for a republican. that is exact it will strategy that santorum is saying to use today.
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>> he is saying, working class democrats i may be more -- i may be a more -- an easier potential person to side with on your issues. >> is hardly pointing out that he was against the auto bailouts. >> he is not. >> very misleading. >> but there's a conservative element of the democratic party who are pro-life and pro gun and frankly do not line up culturally with mitt romney. >> you can call them reagan democrats. >> that is where it was born. mccomb county was where the reagan democrat was created, i'm trying remember, probably dick worth lands, but it was mccomb county michigan. >> lee atwater. >> i will have to check that. >> okay. >> we will go to the google machine and check that fact. joining me now, eric from the senior adviser to the romney campaign.
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is it all on the line for your candidate today? >> well, we expect good things to happen today. two weeks ago, when we started the michigan campaign, mitt romney was behind by 15 points or more, he is now either slightly ahead or tied in the polls. we think it's great news. the robo calls that you are reporting on, urging the democrats to come to the republican primary and vote against mitt romney is troubling. and i'll tell you why it's troubling, because republicans ought to choose the republican nominee. democrats had a chance to pick their president four years ago, he has been a disaster. he has given us high unemployment and deficits as far as the eye can see, it's now time for republicans to choose a republican nominee. and if you are a michigan voter who is undecided or maybe you were thinking of not voting for one of the lower tear candidates because you did not want to
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waste your vote, send a message to santorum and vote for romney and say we will let republicans choose the republican nominee. >> mitt romney explained yes voted for a democrat. when there's no real candidate in the primary, i would vote in the democrat party, vote for the person who i thought would be the weakest opponent for a republican. if that was good enough for romney voting in 1992, why not do it today? >> that was before he was starting his political career. usually he went to the party that was have agoing a -- have ago good contest. he never encouraged democrats to go to a republican primary and create chaos. that is what santorum is doing.
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it's like the michigan state spartans getting to choose the starting lineup for the michigan wolverines, it's just wrong. what le -- what will he do next? we out to let the republicans choose the republican nominee. >> are you setting up a situation, that you will blame this on the democrats playing chaos, if you lose? >> we do not expect to lose, but i'll say, no matter what happens in michigan, we expect to win, but no matter what happens, tomorrow, mitt romney will gain the most delegates and increase his lead over the field. and keep in mind, this is a multi-month process that is unfou unfolding, the name of the game is getting 1,144 delegates that is the only must-do. >> eric, if mitt romney loses
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his home state today, tonight, tomorrow, if it turns out that he has not won michigan, will he end up having to satisfy his donors and himself perhaps by firing everyone? shaking up the organization? >> are you suggesting this is my last appearance your show? >> i hope not in any context. i hope and trust -- is everything on the line for the organization? >> no. one thing about mitt romney, and the members of his campaign organization, is despite the ups and downs of the campaign, we never get too high or too low. we try to keep things steady and try to keep the eye on the prize. the prize in this case is getting 1,144 delegates that will allow us to go to tampa, florida, in august, as the nominee of the party and we expect to do it. >> okay. eric, good luck to you and good luck to all the campaigns today. >> thank you.
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>> and santorum us using dirty tricks we will hear from the other side of the robo wars. this is "andrea mitchell reports" reports. can't wait 'til morning. wait. ♪ it's morning in the himalayas... [ male announcer ] it's sweet. it's nutty. it's absolutely delicious. kellogg's crunchy nut. it's morning somewhere. i'm going to own my own restaurant. i want to be a volunteer firefighter. when i grow up, i want to write a novel. i want to go on a road trip. when i grow up, i'm going to go there. i want to fix up old houses. [ female announcer ] at aarp we believe you're never done growing.
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rick santorum is hoping that democrats vote in today's republican primary, a strategy to help him get a win over romney in romney's home state. today, romney accused santorum of trying kidnap the primary process. >> i understand that santorum said that senator -- i understand it was said that santorum is a big labor republican, he has proved that by taking one for their team and
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trying get them to vote against me so that they can have someone who think is easier to beat in the fall. >> hogan is joining us. great to see you, your response to the accusation that it's a dirty trick? >> that is just simply ridiculous. i think, andrea, we all know that one of the things that santorum has been open and honest about even in the early debates, he said look, the republicans can beat barack but we have to have two things happen, an energized conservative base and we have to pull reagan democrats. and the bottom line is that mitt romney does not excite the conservative base as evidenced by his poor performance so far. and he is not going after any of the reagan democrats and rick santorum has been strong in showing that we have to show that we have a conservative message, we are the ones tripling the child tax credit, zero taxes for manufacturing and cutting taxes and balancing the
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budget. that plays with the conservative base but it is also what rick believes. the reagan democrats realize they can trust santorum too. that is what it's all about, who do you trust to lead the nation in a conservative fashion and santorum has that record and he will do the same thing as president. >> one of things that romney has said is that he will not play that game. let me play you what had he to say about that. >> it's very easy to excite the base, i'm not willing to light my hair on fire to get support. >> is rick santorum lighting his hair on fire? >> absolutely not. look, we all know this team mitt romney comes from, he is the team that proapproved of 50 dols copays for abortion and raising taxes in massachusetts. so we simply play for different teams. santorum plays for a more
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conservative team and romney hasn't. he has a problem in the election and he knows it. he does not excite the base and he cannot pull any reagan democrats because he spends his whole time on the spot talking about other candidates, he never talks about what he will do, he talks about the other candidates. it's shameful. >> speaking of that, it's suggested that when rick santorum said that the president was being snob for all americans to go to a four-year college. let's play whether the president said. >> tonight, i ask every american to commit to at least one year or more of higher education or career training. this could be a community college or a four-year school. vocational training or apprenticeship. whatever the training may be, every american will need more than a high school dip loam a. >> it's so clear the president from the beginning of his
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presidency has talked about at least one year, vocational training, community colleges, he is talking about higher education as being something post high school. how is that being snobbish and wasn't rick santorum misleading people by suggesting that the president is talking about everyone going to some four-year school? >> the argument rick santorum was making is the argument he was making since beginning the journey months and months ago. and that is that there are two different sets of ideas here, one is the people know best what is right for them and the barack obama/mitt romney version, and that is the government knows best. you can look at their careers, any chance they saw to seize to force the public to do something at the behest of the government, they fought for it. rick santorum is saying it's not the government's business,
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whether you want to go to a year of college or four years, what is more honorable than getting out of high school and going into the military? >> nothing. >> even republican governors in washington this week disaagreed those that have not endorsed romney, even they said he was out of line in what he had suggested there about higher education. >> but he was not talking about that particular clip. at the state of the union. he was talking about things he said in the past. look, rick santorum is pro education, he wants all of his kids to go to college, obviously. but if one or two or three or four say, i don't think that it's right for me. he will honor that decision like he would as president. college is not for everyone, and to insist that it is, and that the government should force people and say they know best and that you have to go to college is simply not conservative, it's not what this country was founded upon. it was founded upon freedoms, that is what this campaign has been about.
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>> i would suggest the government was not saying that the government should force anyone. what is your expectation? is he going to win michigan? >> i'm not sure, andrea, but look, it's a win for us, the fact that mitt romney -- he thought he would spent 30 dollars in 30 minutes and go to the next state it shows that the message of true conservatives are resonating in michigan and across the country. >> thanks so much. >> thanks for the time. >> up next, the michigan ground game, jonathan martin live in grand rapids. this is delicious okay...
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>> why are you voting for rick santorum? >> i believe in his values. >> what is a registered democrat doing out here? >> feel that something has to be
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done. >> a michigan democrat, one man who is jumping into republican's primary, if enough democrats muddy the water for whatever reason, could romney be in trouble. it looks beautiful out there johnathan, first of all, let's talk about the universe of what we are look agent, the number of voters, you are talking about 30 delegates at stake, because michigan has lt 29, and we are talking about a turnout, what do you expect the turnout to be? >> oh, it's really hard to say, because we do not know exactly how many of those democrats and independents will show up here. my sense is if you see a turnout, or you have north of 10% democratic, i think that santorum could pull it out. so, don't forget, in 2000, governor bush had all the endorsements and mccain won in no small part because of
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democrats that came out to support him. you can see that again here. what i'll be interested in is can romney pull out a big enough win around detroit with the population of the center of the state to overcome santorum's strength in the more conservative parts of michigan, like where i'm standing right now in grand rapids. >> the issue there is also where does mitt romney go next? 53 lose -- if he loses in michigan, his home state? >> it's a great question, because the following tuesday, super tuesday, he will get delegates in a place like virginia, he and paul are the only candidates on the ballot. but there will be tough states for him too. take ohio, take georgia, big delegates, he will be hard pressed to win those state if he loses here in michigan. it's a conservative gop primary ele
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electorate, i was at a gathering, a lot of home school kids and activists, the people here are heavily catholic and conservative and heavily anti-abortion. so santorum has a shot, to me, how many democrats play in the primary and how strong does romney perform around detroit, which is of course where he was raised. >> michael moore was on with rachel last night and he said all of his democrat friends are planning to vote to muddy the waters so some are voting, some are democrats that are trying to express themselves and some are voting because they want to muddy the waters. and by the way, we are talking earlier, chuck todd was right, it was dick worthland, who coined the phrase, reagan
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democrats but our friends at "newsweek" tell us it began in the wisconsin primary. although that was not any recollection. to be continued. >> thank you so much, appreciate it. and we will be talking to you tomorrow i hope as well. up next, our team political coverage, live from michigan. the american war plan in afghanistan, is it mission impossible? one golden crown. come on frank how long have we known each other? go to e-trade. they got killer tools man. they'll help you nail a retirement plan that's fierce. two golden crowns. you realize the odds of winning are the same as being mauled by a polar bear and a regular bear in the same day? frank! oh wow, you didn't win? i wanna show you something... it's my shocked face. [ gasps ] ♪ [ male announcer ] get a retirement plan that works at e-trade.
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a u.s. intelligence official says that israel will not notify the u.s. before they strike if they should strike iran. in syria, more than 150 people have been killed over the last 24 hours alone, as syrian officials are keeping up this assault on rebel held areas. secretary of state, hillary clinton said that assad's actions fit the profile for a war criminal. the photographer was working along side marie colvin, when she was killed by syrian forces last week. u.s. officials are standing by the mission in afghanistan despite the distrustful
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atmosphe atmosphere. at the, secretary of state clinton told the u.s. panel that we have come too far to give up. >> it's fair to say that progress has been made and we have invested an enormous amount of blood and treasure in afghanistan. we do have a stake in trying to help work towards the best possible outcome and that is what we are doing now. >> with me now, msnbc military analyst, and retired army colonel, jack jacobs. colonel jack. many are asking what do we gain by staying longer, especially because of the violence we have seen and the distrust that has been laid bare in reaction to the burning of the korans, if we cannot even embed our military
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or our civilians? >> she is talking to the right guys by the way, the appropriations committee at the end of the day. they are the people who fund everything and if you cannot convince them, you are in big trouble. i think there's a great deal of the skepticism in congress in particular on both sides of the aisle of the mission. and it's interesting to note that the president decided that one of his planks when he ran was that he was going to fight the right war, the good war, the war in afghanistan, there was a surge there and it turned out that there are now two different objectives, there's the public objective that said we will make afghanistan safe for democracy and make it quiet and eliminate the taliban and all of that. that is the public mission, the private mission is, however, and it's been suggested by president and other people in the administration, we are going to leave. and i think that the combat
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commander and the entire chain of commands has been given instructions for a more accelerated withdrawal. >> there was a meeting in may, that was supposed to be a cap stone meeting and now they have to come up with a game plan for what their next strategy is, in terms of perhaps an accelerated withdraw, they say they will stick it out. but they have to be going back to the mat. >> we are going move it to 2014 -- >> why not 2013? >> i think they will be. we have been making progress but it's not progress in kabul or progress at forging a democratic 21st century afghanistan, it's small progress, in small pockets in empowering women and tribes.
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>> and that could be lost as soon as we pull out. >> and it will be. but the feeling is that we will tout those gains and say we have done the best we can. >> a quick question to you, because there were actually talks that were supposed to begin with the taliban, and that has all been blown up by what happened with these korans. people are asking me, now can our military, as wonderful as it is, ten years into the war, how could we make the dumb mistake in the field? >> you are talking to somebody who says do not burn any books, that all books are precious, it's the easiest thing to do, to collect all the intelligence information and stuff it into the hul of a ship and look at pit for intelligence purposes or destroy it at our doing, but not
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on site. this is what we do not want to do in terms of execution, people are not supervisored properly and stupid things happen and that is what happened here. >> even in the best military in the world? >> even in the best military in the world. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> mitt romney did not hold back at an election day news conference, he took last minute shots at rick santorum. >> i think he is an economic light weight. i do not think he understands the process of job creation, if he becomes the nominee, he does not have the skill that is most in demand on the part of the american people right now. >> we have got both campaigns covered. pete r alexander is with romne in detroit. peter, game day, do you get a sense that the romney campaign thinks it can slip away? >> i think we are startsing to
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get that sense, in conversations we had with senior advisers, they say it could go either way. compare that to a conversation just yesterday, where a senior adviser within the campaign said they feel confidently that they are on a good track, down double digits according to some polls and now slightly in the lead and perhaps more than that. i think they recognize it's not going the way they planned in the state. as you heard in the sound bite, it comes down to one thing specifically, they fear their message is being lost here. it's primary focus. the thesis of the entire campaign that, mitt romney is the best republican candidate to beat barack obama because he is is candidate they say is best prepared to improve the american economy. that idea has been lost, they note, they are upset about the headline of him having friends with nascar owners has raze nated and he had a big speech laying out a big plan and the
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headline was the empty seats and not the speech itself and its content. >> of course, you have to ask them, why they made the decision to hold it there. i want to play for you both, what president obama did today. at the uaw conference today. >> the other option was to do absolutely nothing. and let these companies fail. and you will recall there were some politicians who said we should do that. some even said we should let detroit go bankrupt. you remember that? >> and we are talking about mitt romney but rick santorum also was against the bailout, he said that michigan is not, however, a must-win state for him. ron motte, you've been covering if santorum campaign, they think they have won either way. >> hey there, good day to you.
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briefly on the bailouts, as you mentioned santorum has said he is against any sort of bailouts, and what he has been trying sell to the folks in michigan, is mitt romney, while against the detroit bailout was for the wall street bailout, so playing into the class warfare issue. what they are trying do here with this campaign is to say that this is an us versus them battle. not just republicans against democrats but conservatives against the republican establishment if you will, and santorum even over the past few days doesn't seem to operate as if he believes that style of rhetoric is hurting his chances here. i think that come tomorrow, we will see one of two narratives with respect to to rick santorum. if he happens to come to romney's backyard, for what seemed like an impossible thing, and win here, it will send an earthquake across the republican establishment that he was able to do that.
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and despite the fact that people are scratching their heads about the things he said, the snob comment and higher education and going after jfk on that speech in 1960. 53 loses it will be -- if he loses, it will be that you blew it. >> now, if he loses those people will say he is a loose cannon and cost himself a possible victory there in michigan. if he wins it could be because of the democrats crossing over. we will have to look at the vote and see what happened. thank you both very much. and end up next, we turn to the crisis in sudan, nbc's ann curry just back from a dangerous assignment. i love that my daughter's part fish. but when she got asthma, all i could do was worry ! specialists, lots of doctors, lots of advice... and my hands were full. i couldn't sort through it all. with unitedhealthcare, it's different.
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hi there everyone, i'm tamron hall, coming up on
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"newsnation," several hours to go before the polls close and there are accusations of dirty tricks. a clear indication that romney is under pressure to avoid being blown out in his home state or face what pundits say would be a push to get him out of the race. and the student accuses -- accused in the deadly shooting in ohio, we will get the latest on the conditions of the victims including a third student we just learned passed away. journalists cannot easily travel to sudan, hardly. it's torn by continuing ethnic violence, but do not tell that to ann curry. she got herself across the boarder to gather first hand evidence of what she feared, which is genetic cleansing. in her debut on "rock center"
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tomorrow night, she brings us the rarely heard stories of the survivors of the attacks. rape and killing of civilians has become common place. >> as we speak, war planes are flying overhead, sending everyone to the caves for safety. hannah is overcome with emotion. her 89-year-old father who is blind prays to god for protection. nobody here was hit when the bomb fell but a few hours later in the darkness, we find the victims. >> there was an -- earlier today and it's hit this woman in the chest. it has cut her breast and now her lung is actually exposed. >> she is in so much pain. >> four women hit by the shrapnel, one is not expected to survive the six-hour drive to
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the hospital. >> co-host of "the today show" ann, what is going inside sudan? >> what is happening is some 585,000 people have been displaced by this war. the war is coming from a battle between the government of sudan on its own people, civilians of south sudan and north sudan, the people you saw in the video clip just now have run to live in caves. there are thousands of them, possibly even 10s of thousands of people, most of them children, living in caves because daily they are attacked by these government war planes.
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why is this happening? it's a very good question. as you well know, from your understanding of what is happening in the world, recently the south sudan split from the north. there was a argument over vast oil reserves. but on top of that, the political -- the politics and the territorial disputes have unleashed a kind of, what happens to be a strong evidence we found of ethnic cleansing where the nuban people, which is a blackpele attked, they are calledlack slaves when they are attacked, what we have is what we have had in other parts of the world. people being targeted for a lot of reasons but it has unleashed a kind of ethnic cleansing and
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systematic rape and kidnaps. and there are experts that say they have images and will show them tonight in our -- tomorrow night in our report of what appear to be mass graves. >> and ann, we thought, we in the world, the united nations thought that when the governments split and the new government in the south was created that there would be some sort of rational process here, by going back, you have uncovered that there's a silent war a hidden war, because it's hidden from our eyes except when people like you take cameras inside. >> well, you know, there's a really brave young man in who was ordered to leave by his aide organization because of the violence. he stayed. he is a 30-year-old american boy from florida, he has stayed.
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he has been creating a kind of citizen's journalist been taki posting images. he even testified before a committee in congress. this is this effort to get the information out. there's a lot of concern in the united states government and also the united nations that what we're seeing now will spill over and become what is greatly feared, and that is a renewed war between the south and the north in sudan. if you're going to see this kind of suffering, as i said before, it should not be seen in silence. there should be an awareness of what is happening. i think we all agree that people should not suffer in this way without at least being known for what they are enduring. many people there thanked us for being there. we thank you for letting us talk about it. >> tomorrow night, "rock center" a full report on sudan.
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so, which political story will be making headlines in the next 24 hours. chris cillizza joins us. i think it's going to be michigan. >> andrea, let me just say, just the nbc election night music gets me excited. that's how big a political nerd i am. this is and has been a place where mitt romney must win. i know his side is spinning that, well, if he does lose, democrats will swing. there's either a w after your name or an l. if there's an l after mitt romn romney's name tomorrow in michigan, there's problematic for his campaign. there's only six days before super tuesday. the whispers you have heard about whether he can with stand
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the challenge, somewhere someone else should be put into the race will be a lot more than whispers. >> now we know what you have on your ipod. >> it's sad because it's true. >> thanks. that does it for this edition of "andrea mitchell reports." tomorrow, complete results and analys analysis my colleague tamron hall has look at what's next on "news nation." that politics music just gets me going. >> nerd alert. >> that was the best line of the day. we're going to get the latest on the political fight of mitt romney sharpening his attack accused rick santorum of dirty politics by trying to get democrats to come out and vote for him in michigan's open primary. we'll take a look at the theep
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thee ree that romney's folks are floating out thereto. we'll have a wlooif report. the associated press reports israel is willing to strike iran without telling the u.s. if that happens, where does that leave the united states and the obama administration? embarrassed about my skin. [ designer ] enough of just covering up my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. i decided enough is enough. ♪ [ spa lady ] i started enbrel. it's clinically proven to provide clearer skin. [ rv guy ] enbrel may not work for everyone -- and may not clear you completely, but for many, it gets skin clearer fast, within 2 months, and keeps it clearer up to 9 months. [ male announcer ] because enbrel suppresses your immune system, it may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal, events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, and nervous system and blood disorders have occurred. before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whether you've been to a region where certain fungal infections are common.
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hi everyone, i'm tamron hall. you can call it mud slinging in michigan. the build up seemed to have gone on forever. can mitt romney win his home state or will he suffer a humiliating defeat tonight. people have been voting all day. polls close at 9:00 p.m. eastern time.